What is PIE?
Strategic aim
The main focus is on cooperation in post-secondary education, in scientific and applied research and knowledge development, and in innovation through knowledge application. Cooperation aims to contribute to the knowledge capacity of partner institutes in the Global South by targeting human resources development and institutional strengthening.
The platform strives for a substantive contribution from the Netherlands to global sustainable development through international knowledge cooperation. At the same time this will enhance knowledge development on and learning about global challenges in the Netherlands, which PIE members perceive as of crucial importance for an open knowledge economy like the Netherlands.
Board members

Claire Hallewas
Claire Hallewas is the Programme Lead of TU Delft | Global Initiative, the platform for science & technology for global development at TU Delft. Before she joined TU Delft in 2013, she lived and worked for several years in Jakarta, Indonesia, and in Brussels, Belgium, where she was involved in various projects in development cooperation.

Arno de Snoo
Arno de Snoo is a specialist in inclusive value chains and sustainable agriculture in relation to climate change. Arno has worked on implementing inclusive value chains for a number of international organisations and companies. He was a journalist on agricultural politics and environmental issues for many years. In 2015 he joined Van Hall Larenstein university of applied sciences.

William Sanchez
William is the Program Manager International Cooperation Enhancement at the Education and Student Support Unit of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. He is responsible for the strategic development of international education cooperation activities, European mobility projects and institutional capacity development in Higher Education.

Mike Zuijderduijn
Mike Zuijderduijn – MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management Science (specialisation International Development). After having worked for the UN in Pakistan and Vietnam, Mike joined MDF in 2001 and has been co-owner, Managing Director and Senior Evaluator since 2011.

Jaap Evers
Jaap Evers works at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education as Senior lecturer in Water and Environmental Policy as a member of the Water Governance department. He is also the co-programme coordinator of the MSc Water and Sustainable Development.

Jeroen Ouburg
Jeroen Ouburg is a senior international advisor for the department of Corporate Strategy & Accounts of Wageningen University & Research. In this role, he focuses on international collaboration in the field of education and with funding organizations around the world.
Advisory Board
- Bart Pierik, Director International Strategy Universities of the Netherlands
- Emiel de Groot, Vereniging Hogescholen
- Dr Eric Beerkens, Head of International Programmes NWO
- Dr Marco Schouten, CEO Agriterra
- Dr Sara Kinsbergen, Professor Radboud University & Commission Development Cooperation AIV
Main image: TMT Mozambique project. Photo © ISS