William Sanchez
William is working as the Program Manager International Cooperation Enhancement at the Education and Student Support Unit of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. He is responsible for the strategic development of international education cooperation activities, European mobility projects and institutional capacity development in Higher Education.
He has a wide hands-on experience in developing, managing and evaluating capacity development projects. Second, he is part of the Saxion Research Services Team, supporting Saxion researchers and teaching staff in developing research and education innovation project proposals.
William has graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a background in Economics, specialized in International Trade Relations and Institutional Economics. After graduation he started working for the Inspectorate of the Budget at the Dutch Ministry of Finance. During his term he was a valuable counterpart among others for policy and financial officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Homogene Group International Cooperation. After leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affaris, he has worked among others as a policy officer at the City of Enschede, program manager at Cleantech Holland / FME and as a knowledge program manager at NICIS (Platform 31). He started working at Saxion in 2013 as a project manager of the capacity development project portfolio of Saxion. He is currently running projects in India, Vietnam, Yemen and in the Philippines.