Arno de Snoo

Arno de Snoo is a specialist in inclusive value chains and sustainable agriculture in relation to climate change. Arno has worked on implementing inclusive value chains for a number of international organisations and companies. He was a journalist on agricultural politics and environmental issues for many years. In 2015 he joined Van Hall Larenstein university of applied sciences.

He studied at the Larenstein, university of applied sciences in Deventer and did an MSc in organic farming at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. After his study he worked in the UK on the development of the organic sector. Over the years Arno has worked in many developing countries on capacity building to deal with the impact of climate change on sustainable agricultural. His main aim is to build fairness into global value chain and strengthen sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers and vulnerable groups. Arno works now as education director for several international studies at Van Hall Larenstein among which two master studies. The Sustainable Development Goals set important guidelines for future development. Education and international cooperation are the heart of achieving the SDG’s. Arno is an advocate for equal rights for all students and he aims to make sure the underprivileged are also given opportunities.