Mike Zuijderduijn
Mike Zuijderduijn – MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management Science (specialisation International Development). After working for the UN in Pakistan and Vietnam, Mike joined MDF in 2001 and has been co-owner, Managing Director and Senior Evaluator since 2011.
Mike has extensive experience leading and assuring quality evaluation and consultancy assignments for international development organisations (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RVO, NIMD, UNDG, UNESCO) and public-private partnerships and networks (GPEDC, KPSRL, GPE, GAIN, ILC) in Europe, Asia and Africa. His core area of expertise is Monitoring & Evaluation of Social Impact of international partnership programmes in various sectors, including democratisation, good governance, security & rule of law, private sector development, and education.
Since 2010, he has led and taken part in over 50 international evaluation and consultancy assignments, gaining extensive experience in shaping and facilitating learning-oriented consultation processes. Mike is an expert in designing attractive and methodologically sound consultancy and evaluation processes, including joint (online) sense-making together with rather than for clients.
Over the last 20 years, he developed hands-on management experience as managing director / co-owner of MDF and as team leader, sounding board and quality controller in a range of evaluation and consultancy assignments.
Mike is the father of three daughters, loves multi-day hiking and did not know he liked travelling that much until the COVID pandemic struck.