13:00 hrs Welcome by PIE Chair Claire Hallewas
13:05 hrs EU Opportunities in Higher Education by Luisa Bunescu,
DG International Partnerships (INTPA), European Commission
Youth Mobility for Africa flagship initiative by Wiebke Groth, DG International Partnerships (INTPA), European Commission, A2 unit in charge of Regional and Multi-Country Programmes for Africa
13:35 hrs EU opportunities in Research by Jean-Michel Sers, DG International Partnerships (INTPA), European Commission
14:05 hrs How to be successful in EU programmes by Ela Daci, IHE Delft
14:30 hrs Opportunities Erasmus+ by Madalena Pereira, National Agency Erasmus+
14:45 hrs Coffee/Tea break
15:00 hrs Examples of EU-financed projects (TU Delft & MDF):
– Graduate Research on World Wide Challenges GROW (Marie Curie) by Roel Kamerling, Project Lead Grow Office (TU Delft)
– European Solidarity Corps General Online Training, a project funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency,
by Maddalena Bearzotti (MDF)
15:30 hrs Follow-up information session on relevant EU strategy and funding options for Dutch HE institutes organised by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and PIE. By Jessica Schiltmans (Ministry of Foreign Affairs/DSO)
16:00 hrs Drinks