Bio-based solutions for humanitarian applications

Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) Deadline: Tuesday 28th of March, 2023 Successful proposals will contribute to Destination ‘Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors’ impacts, including: i) accelerating transitions towards a sustainable, regenerative,...

R&I cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa

Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) Deadline: Wednesday 29th of March, 2023 ExpectedOutcome: Stimulate R&I cooperation between Sub-Saharan Africa and the EU in the field of digital. Strengthen strategic partnerships and support digital dialogues with...

Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa

Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) Deadline: Tuesday 18th of April, 2023 Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Accelerated deployment of climate services to build climate resilience. Better informed climate...