Partnership Water4All – Aquatic Ecosystem Services


NWO – Water4All

Deadline: pre-proposal in November 13th, 2023 and full proposal April 29th, 2024.

Grant: €300,000.00


Full, associate and assistant professors and other researchers with a comparable appointment can submit an application to conduct research on Aquatic Ecosystem Services. PURPOSE The European Partnership ‘Water4All’ under Horizon Europe aims at systemic transformations and changes across the entire research – water innovation pipeline, fostering the matchmaking between problem owners and solution providers to ensure long term water security for all. It provides an overarching platform connecting national/local and European R&I programs, in line with the European Green Deal, Groundwater Directive, Water Framework Directive and the new EU Strategies for water management and Biodiversity for 2030.

This second joint call of the Partnership focuses on the topic ‘Aquatic Ecosystem Services’, addressing three central topics:

Mapping, monitoring, and assessment for a better understanding of ecosystem services in a context of changes, from local to global change.
Understanding and predicting multiple pressures (including anthropogenic pressures) – impact – response relationships in ecosystem services through advanced methods and techniques.
New tools and solutions for a better integration of ecosystem services into the management of water resources.

Who can apply

Applications need to be submitted by research consortia including teams of at least a minimum of 3 countries participating in the call, including a minimum of two from EU Member States or EU Associated Countries. See the European Water4All Partnership Call for Proposals for details and participating countries.

Full, associate and assistant professors and other researchers with a comparable position may submit an application (i.e. participate in a consortium and request NWO funding) if they have a tenured position (and therefore a paid position for an indefinite period) or a tenure track agreement at one of the institutions listed in the Funding Organisation rules (NWO part) of the call for proposals.

Persons with a zero-hour employment agreement or with a contract for a limited period of time (other than a tenure track appointment) may not submit a proposal.

An applicant may only request NWO funding for one project (part of a European consortium) in this call of the European Water4All Partnership.

More information on the transnational eligibility criteria, and the eligibility criteria of other countries can be found in the European Water4All Partnership Call for Proposals and Funding Organisation Rules.

Read more about this funding opportunity here.