Cooperation Brazil – The Netherlands – Advanced healthcare materials


NWO; Merian Fund; FAPESP

Deadline Pre-Proposal: Thursday 10th of November, 2022

Deadline Full Proposal: Tuesday 6th of June, 2023

This call within the cooperation Brazil – the Netherlands programme aims to further stimulate high-quality joint, impact-oriented research by teams of Dutch and São Paulo researchers. It invites teams of Dutch and São Paulo researchers, together with one or more public or private societal partners, to submit proposals.
With its high potential to improve overall healthcare for society, biomaterials science is one of the most rapidly growing areas of research today. Progress in this field requires a multidisciplinary approach, where scientists (e.g. chemists, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, physicians and clinicians) interact with each other, with engineers and with manufacturers. Collaborative research between the Netherlands and Brazil is expected to enable breakthrough results that can address medicine’s future needs.
Read more about this funding opportunity here.