Anton Jurgens fund


Supported by: 

Anton Jurgens Fund


Initiated by: 

Jurgens family


Funded by:

Anton Jurgens Fund


Information about fund: 

AJF focusses on the creation of income for families in rural areas, within the context of Agricultural Development. The fund believes in the value of community building (women’s groups, associations, cooperatives, unions) and in chain integration, in which the farmer participates as much as possible in the creation of value, accrued in all stages of the agricultural chain, from production to consumption.



  • Average of €50.000


Geographic focus:

  • Africa: West Africa
  • Asia: Indonesia



AJF can support projects with a multi-year term (generally 2 to 4 years), but this support is never permanent.

Not applicable. Applications can be sent in through the open application portal.

The AJF tests applications explicitly on the following investment criteria:

1. social entrepreneurship – the combination of financial and social added value

2. (financial) sustainability – the pursuit of a permanent positive impact

3. personal initiative and personal commitment – to engender self-sufficiency and autonomy

4. prevention – a structured approach to tackling social problems at an early stage

5. social involvement – the creation of inspiring examples

6. searching for meaning – creating awareness of the ‘why’ of our human actions and existence

The project initiator must meet at least three of these, only applications by legal entities will be assesed.

The AJF wants to cooperate with organisations in Europe, which have a partner organisation in the country where the initiative takes place (focus country). Communication between both organisations must be optimal, they must both add value to the project to be supported and they must be willing to discuss their approach with AJF and – if required – implement adjustments. In the assessment of applications, a great deal of attention is devoted to governance, skills, experience, knowledge of the work area, ethnic embedding, relations with administrative and traditional authorities, capacities for narrative and numerical reporting, safeguarding of continuity, etc.
Not applicable.


More information:


If you have any questions, comments or ideas, please contact